Compare 2025 Health Plans
This chart compares health plan benefits and estimated out-of-pocket costs for Independence Blue Cross in-network services — including doctor and hospital visits, specialty care, and prescription drugs. Deductible amounts shown are for individuals.
For more details, review each plan’s Summary of Benefits and Coverage. Or, use our guided shopping tool to get custom recommendations for the most affordable options and best health plan match for you.
Click the + to expand that row for more details about the plan.
Plan name |
Deductible |
Primary care physician visit |
Specialist visit |
Inpatient hospital |
Low-cost generic prescription |
Keystone HMO Gold Proactive |
Tier 1: $0 |
Tier 1: $15 |
Tier 1: $40 |
Tier 1: $350/day1 |
$3 |
Keystone HMO Gold |
$0 |
$35 |
$65 |
$750/day1 |
$3 |
Keystone HMO Gold Classic |
$500 |
$40 no deductible |
$80 no deductible |
20% after deductible |
$3 |
Personal Choice® PPO Gold |
$0 |
$30 |
$65 |
$750/day1 |
$3 |
Personal Choice® PPO Gold Classic |
$1,250 |
20% no deductible |
20% after deductible |
20% after deductible |
$3 |
Personal Choice® PPO Gold Preferred |
$0 |
$15 |
$15 |
$500/day1 |
$3 |
Keystone HMO Silver Proactive |
Tier 1: $0 |
Tier 1: $40 |
Tier 1: $90 |
Tier 1: $600/day1 |
$7 no deductible |
Keystone HMO Silver Proactive Lite |
Tier 1: $2,000 |
Tier 1: $50 no deductible |
Tier 1: $90 no deductible |
Tier 1: Subject to deductible and $600/day1 |
$5 no deductible |
Keystone HMO Silver Proactive Select |
Tier 1: $0 |
Tier 1: $40 |
Tier 1: $90 |
Tier 1: $600/day1 |
$5 no deductible |
Tier 1: $2,500 |
Tier 1: $50 no deductible |
Tier 1: $100 no deductible |
Tier 1: Subject to deductible and $600/day1 |
$5 no deductible |
Keystone HMO Silver Proactive Value |
Tier 1: $1,500 |
Tier 1: $40 no deductible |
Tier 1: $80 no deductible |
Tier 1: Subject to deductible and $600/day1 |
$5 no deductible |
Keystone HMO Silver Proactive Essential |
Tier 1: $5,000 |
Tier 1: $50 no deductible |
Tier 1: $100 no deductible |
Tier 1: Subject to deductible and $600/day1 |
$5 no deductible |
Keystone HMO Silver Classic |
$3,500 |
$35 no deductible |
$80 no deductible |
30% after deductible |
$3 no deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
Keystone HMO Silver Basic |
$5,500 |
$35 no deductible |
$80 no deductible |
50% after deductible |
$3 no deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
Personal Choice® PPO Silver Classic |
$3,500 |
$30 no deductible |
$75 no deductible |
25% after deductible |
$3 no deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
![]() Personal Choice® PPO Silver Basic |
$4,000 |
$35 no deductible |
$80 no deductible |
25% after deductible |
$3 no deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
Keystone HMO Bronze |
$8,500 |
$75 no deductible |
$150 no deductible |
Subject to deductible and $700/day1 |
$5 no deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
Personal Choice® PPO Bronze |
$6,000 |
50% no deductible |
50% after deductible |
25% after deductible |
$5 no deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
Personal Choice® EPO Bronze Reserve |
$7,450 |
0% after deductible |
0% after deductible |
0% after deductible |
0% after deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
Personal Choice® EPO Bronze Classic |
$4,200 |
$65 no deductible |
$65 no deductible |
50% after deductible |
$5 no deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
Personal Choice® EPO Bronze Basic |
$9,200 |
Visits 1-3: $20 no deductible |
0% after deductible |
0% after deductible |
$5 no deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
Personal Choice® EPO Catastrophic |
$9,200 |
Visits 1-3: $50 no deductible |
0% after deductible |
0% after deductible |
0% after deductible (Integrated with Medical ded) |
= Most popular plans
This plan is compatible with a health savings account.
Mandatory Generics – If you get a brand name drug when a generic is available, you pay the difference in cost plus the brand name cost-sharing.
Off-exchange only – Plan can only be purchased through IBX directly and is not available on Pennie.
On-exchange only – Plan is only available for purchase through Pennie.
Preferred Pharmacy network includes more than 58,000 pharmacies.
Standard pharmacy network includes more than 68,000 pharmacies.
ded = Deductible
1 Amount shown reflects copay per day. There is a maximum of 5 copays per admission.