Purposeful innovation
As market leaders, we are inspired to develop new ways to create a more sustainable health care system.
Our focus is always on members, their health, and innovative ways of doing things that will help make the health care experience more convenient, effective, and affordable.
Advanced reporting and utilization insights
Our advanced Index reporting platform makes it easy for you to get reports when you need them, with detailed information about your health care trends, including where members go for care. Our approach to trend reviews directly corresponds with our products and capabilities and offers actionable insight to solve your unique utilization challenges.
Innovative partnerships
We nurture the country’s most promising health-related startups and tackle difficult health care challenges by forging powerful partnerships that foster public-private collaborations that improve quality, lower costs, and promote health care innovation in both the Greater Philadelphia region and nationwide.
Center for Innovation
The Independence Blue Cross Center for Innovation is a 30,000-square-foot innovation center aimed at fostering creativity for our clients and bolstering ties to the local community. Located at our headquarters in Philadelphia, it’s a high-tech center that leverages design-thinking principles to unleash innovative solutions. Customers and partners are invited to work with our Innovation team to solve challenges facing their business. You can also learn how to drive an innovative culture in their organization with a wide range of programming available to you and your employees.
Health of America
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Health of America is a thought leadership and intelligence report series that uses advanced analytics to uncover key health care trends and share insights into health care affordability and access.